Monday, December 7, 2009

Long Time Coming...

Sorry! It has been forever since I have posted last! Lots has changed since then! We are currently living with Coy, a cousin of mine and have been since July. I'm working part time at Tuesday Morning and waiting to end that to move to Fort Worth to start a Masters Program at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Our move in date is January 7th and we are uuber excited about getting there! We have already started to look for jobs there, so we're hoping for a great full time job for Sam and a part time one for me.

That's about it! It's been a stand still in life for the last few months but God has been faithful and provided for us.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Plans Update

Okay, here is what we know:

For Briana: I have had job interviews with Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. I was told that they would let me know whether or not I got the job sometime this week. (I want this job.) I have also sent my resumes to several churches around Texas for Children's Ministry Positions. There a couple of more job that I can apply for especially if I don't get the one in Plano.

For Sam: Sam has applied for a job at the BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas) as a User Support Specialist. He and I both really really really really want this job. It would be in Dallas. When we stayed in Richardson for my interview we both went to each of these job sites and Richardson is a good middle point. It's probably safe to say that if we do get these jobs, we'll live in the Richardson area. Sam has looked at some other places but hasn't found too many that he is really interested in. (This is why we really want this job for him at the BGCT.)

Other than that, we are moving on Saturday. We just don't know to where yet. We will keep you updated. We love you all.

Briana and Sam

Sunday, June 7, 2009

7 Beds in 7 Nights

Wednesday--Sam's parents' house, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Thursday--Hotel, Colonial Tovar, Venezuela
Friday--Guest Apartment-Bed #1, Caracas, Venezuela
Saturday--Guest Apartment-Bed #2, Caracas, Venezuela
Sunday--Guest Apartment #2, Miquatia, Venezuela
Monday--Aunt Kay and Uncle Leon's House, Pearland, Texas
Tuesday--Home! (FINALLY), Longview, Texas

Friday, June 5, 2009

Almost Gone...

Family and Friends!!

Well, we are in Caracas now for a few days. We're experiencing the craziness of the's crazy.

Yesterday we went to Colonial Tovar which is a German settlement. It looks all German-like and there are a lot of people that are blue eyed and blond haired. It's really funny but they are definitely Venezuelan. The architecture in the city must comply to certain German looks to keep the history and all that stuff present.

On Monday, we're flying back to the US. We're ready to get there. I think I might kiss the airport floor when we arrive. Anyway, we are looking forward to being home and we miss everyone. See y'all soon.

Briana and Sam

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Well, we have about one week left. We had originally planned on going to Angel Falls during this next week but we have decided against it. Both of us have had upset tummies and we're both tired from the trip, etc. We also don't feel very prepared but when we come next time, we'll know better what and where to look for travel information and all that. We're a little disappointed but overall feel good about not going. Hopefully, we'll get to go shopping and go to the zoo this week.

We're planning on leaving for Caracas (where we fly out) a few days early so that we can see the city and some sites before we leave. It should be fun.

We're both ready to come home but with mixed feelings. We know that at home the job/house/the rest of our lives hunt is waiting for us. :) But we know that it will all work out and that God is in control.

Anyway, we love all of y'all and can't wait to see you!

Briana and Sam

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Catching Up!

Hey guys,
Sorry it's been so long. At least I feel like it's been a while. Well, since I last updated this thing, we received our assignments from our Spanish professor. I won't get too started on this because it peeves me but he assigned us, it seems, an unaccomplishable (I know, not a word) amount! We have been assigned more work (two week late I might add) than I did in my Spanish 4 class this last semester. You can understand my frustration I'm sure. Anyway, one of those assignments is a daily blog--in Spanish. So the time I want to be updating the people that really matter, I'm spending at least an hour trying to work my way through writing a blog in a different language. Anyway, I'm not getting started

We went to the beach yesterday...all day. I said that I was going to get sunburned and they responded with, "Just put on sunscreen." Well, after at least three or four applications of the stuff, I'm burned. Yuck! But it was worth it I guess. We snorked most of the time. There were rocks scattering much of the beach and we saw some awesome fish. Of course, I don't know what they were, just that they were pretty. Later I was told that I saw a Parrot Fish, it was huge! We saw a school of big shrimp...they scared me at first. We saw several others that Sam and I look at when we go to the pet shop too. I saw this silver fish that had all these colors running down its side. It was cool. We were on this island. The picture of us on the boat is when we were taken to the island for the day. The picture of the beach is pretty. If you notice the dark places in the water, that's where the rocks were. We snorkeled all around there.

I think next week, we are supposed to be going to Angel Falls. I think. It's not nailed down yet but it will either happen this next week or the next.

Not sure what else to add but I miss home and am very, very glad my home is there and not here. I don't think it would work for me at least. Anyway, here are some pictures. (I have about 300 already!)

Love y'all!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So Far, So Good

Hi! Well, we did some shopping today and I took a million random, probably unrecognizable, pictures--from the car I might add. We got some great stuff for people and for us too of course. We had a good time. Lisa came with us, or we went with her. She drove.

I think Angel Falls is going to happen and I'm am super excited! Not all the details are worked out and set in stone but they are looking good. I'm excited! Can you tell? We are going to have to get yellow fever vaccines

By the way, did you know that going to the doctors here is way less expensive? If you didn't, it is. We have ordered me new contacts, going to the dentist on Monday, and next week probably going to get a problem mole removed. Wow, you might not even recognize me when I get back with all the stuff I'm gonna get done! (Joking!)

Anyway, we have been spending a lot of time out on the hammock on the back porch. It is so much cooler out there. Only the mosquitoes are really biting and Sam is all bitten up.

Totally, random paragraphes and I don't think they flowed very well, but there you go anyway!

Love Y'all,
Briana and Sam